I have worked the OT and have the cash,,, I want the CS-24 with the 30 watt krakatoa For those of you that have done business with the boys at Fox pro, how do I go about it??? Do I have to tell them what calls to download and how many??? Should I go to the site and pick out what calls I want first???
If you know ahead of time what calls you want, Fox Pro can download them for you into the CS-24 unit. I just bought a charger that charges 10 AA batteries at a time.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
Chip Buy it through all predator calls, they will take good care of you... Good choice its gonna be a real pleasure for you to use after using the old style units.
I see Levi beat me to it in his post!!! Shows you that AP and the boys at AllPredators are great people!!
I purchased my FX3 from allpredatorcalls also. although, if you purchased directly from foxpro I highly doubt you would be disappointed as they excel in customer service.
The CS-24 looks like a good unit and sometimes wish I had one. It was not available when I purchased my unit. The only feature that I would miss in going from a FX3 to a CS-24 would be the charger jack. From what I could tell the CS-24 does not have one. This gives you the opportunity to charge your batteries in your unit without removing them...but I do not do that. The specs on the FX3 (and quite probably the CS-24) allow for a battery up to 15 volts. So, I use a motocycle battery as a power source and forget about all the trouble with buying/charging/switching batteries. The larger battery makes a big difference in cold temps as it lasts a lot longer than standard battery pack.
Although, I bet you could rig something like this up with a CS-24 but it would mean messing with the battery pack cables and this would probably nullify your unit warranty.
I'd pull the trigger on the unit Chip, you wont be sorry.
Call ap calls.com they will stear you in the right direction and they custom program em unlike cabelas so that way you get the sounds you want I got my fury from them nothing bad to say bout them or fox pro MADE IN USA buy fox pro
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
I have not ordered from AP, but have ordered a number of callers directly from FoxPro. They are great to work with, too.
Their procedure to select sounds, starts with download their printed listing from their website - http://www.gofoxpro.com/soundlist.pdf. You just print this out and mark your selections. Then you fax it, or email your scanned copy, back to FoxPro and they load them on the caller you have ordered.
As you might imagine, everytime you order another device you get to pick 100 more sounds. One can build up quite a sound library with this approach.
Right now I have an SCP II "Plus" model on order for the ultimate in long range, long duration crow calling. It will be used in conjunction with the TCP's other FoxPro callers - a Prairie Blaster and a pair of Fury's. Like the Apollo space program, the TCP demands redundancy in all of our mission critical systems.
Getting fired up here in north Texas thinking about the upcoming fall crow "season"!
I would recommend you buying direct from FoxPro. I did. Customer service is about the best I have ever seen. I bought a Spitfire $200 unit and after 30 days they let me send it in and get full credit for the new FireStorm unit. They will load the calls you want. I even got reduced shipping and a free FoxPro shirt. Ask for Jarrod.
Fox Pro & All Predator Calls are good folks to do business with.
For any of you guys who are having a problem with an older model tape player like the Johnny Stewart model 512 or 612 you can send it to Jesse Head in Texas, thats all he works on. He even works on the louder amp if you have a problem. He can be reached on monday, wednesday and friday during the week. His phone number is 1-254-662-2433 Don't expect to get you're unit back right away because he is always busy. Normal turn around is 6 to 8 weeks so plan ahead if you can.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
Bob I called jessie once with a problem I had with a 512, He said "you got a minute" I said sure. He talked me thru the procedure on speaker phone. I fixed the unit myself with his guidance it took about 20 minutes. He is a good dood and knows his business very well. Since then I have purchased my new batteries and other needs from him.