I have been running an idea across the coconut to figure out how to add motion to my decoy spread. The first thing is it must be is cost effective. The second thing is that it has to be simple. The third thing is it has to work.
Going off of the motion of a GHG decoy and the basic principle of how it is made, this is what I have come up with for the Flambeau series decoys.
First you need a :
Which everyone has, but they have no motion. So here is where this little thing comes into play.
Yep, thats a test tube, made out of plastic.
The next step is to cut off the stake on the bottom, insert the test tube and glue it in place. Now you need a stake or what I am thinking of is just a cut coat hanger. Something that will easly push into the ground and also give very little surface area to make contact between the stake and test tube which should allow the decoy to move in the smallest of breezes.
I should have all this completed with a video by the end of the week.
Pup this is what I have done with the exact same deek. Have you seen the reelwings?? If not go to reelwings.com and check them out. I got three of em for about 15 bucks. I heated the magnetic part of the stake and pulled off the magnet. I then drilled a hole in the top of the deek and glued the magnet that I took off the stake into the top of the back of the deek, just below the little plastic ring on the deek. Seat the magnet in the hole with gorilla glue I found that it works best. Now drill a hole in the belly of the deek so you can run the wing stake through the belly and into the glued magnet that is glued to the back. Stick it in the ground and it is ready to go. The wing also has a magnet on it so it sticks to the magnet on the back. The wings move well with just a little wind. I was thinking of putting some eye screws in the foam wings for a pull cord on blue bird days. I have not field tested this rig yet but it is simple and cost effective. Check out www.reelwings.com first and my directions will be much more visible. I think it should work just fine. I will find out in 35 days at sunrise And will give a report........
http://www.sparkimg.com/emoticons/shocked.gif hum what do I do with the rest of the 12 kits I bought Shane you should have seen the cashier when I got all 12 at once. Just wink at em and grin
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
Ok, I got the tube into the crow and did a test run today in the yard with multiple poles. I used an old tent stake, an arrow and a metal coat hanger. The coat hanger gave the best results as far as ease of motion to the littlest of wind but I can do better. Going off of what Chip was talking about I am going to use black foam core board to build my wings then use metal coat hanger to attach them to the deks. This way the wings should catch the air and give them more motion. Once I have all this completed I will post pics and a video of all of this put together and working.