I t hasn't rained here since somtime back in June. It is so dry a fart will make dust. Temps have been in the upper 50's in the morning to to the 70's in the evening. One of the best falls I have seen since the Reagan years. The day before my opening day the weather is expected to change. Rain is moving in and the highs are only gonna be in the low 50's. The bandits are here by the millions. Just my luck I will have to sit in the rain my opening weekend and my birds will go south. I have been preparing and waiting for this day since Febuary 29th last year. Just my luck................
Chip I am going sacrifice a goat to the Gods of the sun,in my garage,so that you have sun on your first day. Hey its the least I can do for a friend. But if it does not work, it could be due karma,you live in the state that gave us Obama. The Gods may be pissed off at you guys!
Four in Bengazi died, Obama and Hillary lied,We must never forget!!!!!!!!!!
Weather reports change daily. If economists predicted the weather, and weathermen predicted the economy we would be just as bad off. Who knows the rain just might hold off til Sun, and opener with be the stuff of dreams....