I find myself on this very slippery slope. We have been piling up the green beans (drake mallards) day after day 4 birds per man and shooting plenty of geese.
I can only think of how fun crows are to shoot while I am waterfowl hunting. I am losing it :(
The crows call!
"Any man who can successfully kill crows can hunt any game bird in the world with success" Hammer 2008
I tell you what it is for me fast paced no wait and if I am waiting too long I can move. It's addicting to say the least. I have never tried ducks or geese but would love too some day. I hate to say this but Welcome to the dark side
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
hate to admit it, but i enjoy crows more than ducks & geese. Less setup work & like the man said, you don't have to clean them. I hunt on the Mohawk river in NY, & I just let them float away. More fun than it should be..
No Limit, except in Calif. Poor buggers Multi angle shots. Ducks and geese you can predict where they will be landing or at least setting down. Upland birds, they fly away from you, maybe at a going away angle but away. Crows are coming to you , by you, over you, away from you, etc. Use whatever shot you want, #12 but to buckshot if you want. Also rifle is not out of the game. Multi firearm. .410 to 4 gauge (here we are limited to 10 gauge for waterfowl, but nuisance wildlife is open). .17 up to .416 Rigby if you want. If a field is a dud you can move, not so easy with a truck load of duck/goose decoys, and gear.
I do like bbq goose, a meatloaf made from goose, duck stew, or even duck strips with a light beer batter coating deep fried with a ranch dressing dip and a sipping whisky so I go for them too.
Besides which I like to hunt crows. Turning to my addiction too. Just got the Firestorm, and a half dozen GHG to add to my decoy bag.
My old crow hunting partner told me many years ago that "the crow hunting will ruin you for anything else" and he was right; at least in my case. I only hunted three days this week and killed 635 crows. 105 , 150 , and 380.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn
Your old hunting partner was very wise and very accurate. I get more excited to go crow hunting than the first day of deer season,what is happening to me
whatever i'm doing i'm thinking about crow hunting
The big difference is most crow hunters don't eat their kill! I have thought about it for sure. My argument to the rest of the TCP is that a crow that has been feasting on Pawnee pecans for a month might have a damn tasting breast.
Having said that, I've spent beaucoupe hours hunting ducks and understand your question. With a good gun boat in the back yard and a great motor, I can't find anyone who wants to hunt ducks. Haven't been webfoot hunting in two years.
Will be leaving at zero dark thirty tomorrow to meet Gadget Bob and Texas Matt in a pecan orchard though!