I had a special hunt the other day all by myself. During the week and everybody was in school or at work. I commited the cardinal sin I put my deeks out first Before I could uncase my MAXUS they were in my decoys. It was still pretty dark and it had to be right at shooting hours. I sat down by my gun and loaded her up and the birds got jumpy so I started calling softly on my gibson and they turned around and came back I had 4 or 5 lite in the deeks and pulled up and got me a triple. Farthest shot was 20 yards. I finally got hid and sat there til 11 am. Best part of the hunt was I only used my Gibson for the first hour. It was my first time hand calling only and killing bandits. I have heard guys on the site talk about how gratifiying it is but you dont really get it until you do it. It was awesome. After an hour or so I broke out the fox pro and they were comming in, in singles and doubles about every 5 to 8 minutes. Sweet hunt I noticed that the birds were working farther and farther out in the field (cut corn). When I started picking up I noticed I had about 8 walkers out about 100 yards from my deeks. Them walkers will draw em away every time, Some of the time the crows comming in were attacking the cripples that were way out of range. From now on I make sure them walkers are dead. I wouldnt had that problem but I was shooting steel and it just dont killem like lead does. I always have more crippples with that dam steel shot. Cant use my Jellyhead with it either, mite as well not wear britches to the field if I cant screw my jellyhead in
Why cant you figure out the amount of restriction that the jelly head does and buy a waterfowl choke in the same constriction. Should get you started in with tight steel talk to some duckies or honker hunters and ask what xtra full they use.
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
have to be careful getting the steel shot too tightly choked too. better make sure whatever choke you use is rated to handle it. Steel doesn't give like lead and could cause some damage if you overchoke it.