Helllo,I've recently been considering getting into crow hunting as I love wing shooting. I've also began collecting equipment such as the Avery decoys,etc.. This week I'm going to also purchase Bob's crow calling cd/ Mincey call combo so I can get to practicing hand calling. So I'm sure I'll be coming to you guys in the near furture for advice on equipment/techniques. I pretty much already have an equipment wish list made up based on what you guys say you prefer so I'll be collecting those items as monies permit. So this season will mostly be a run and gun type thing using a hand call but would also like to try a decoy spread in a feeding situation. Well this is where I'm at and really just wanted to say hello to everyone. I've also taken the step to become a member but don't think that has become effective yet. I've lurked around here for awhile and think this is a great site with friendly and very knowledgable folks.