Opening day was a flop My first set was disasterous. I was set up and ready at daylight. The birds that came in acted like they had been shot at since march. Circled high and left. We relocated a couple miles down the road and managed to scratch out 30. Next day today we hunted a farm that was covered with crows. We killed 23 and the birds were comming in, in huge bunches we would kill 3 and educate 50. I am off the rest of the week and plan to hunt every day. I just need some dam birds. My numbers are nowhere near where they need to be. I have some virgin areas I plan to hit this week. I will post pics when I have a hunt worthy of posting. I could not retreive my birds on the opener, They were in the mud. I almost lost a brand new pair of Muck wet land boots, I walked right out of them..... Whiteknuckle.... The boondockers are the cats ass Easy to put out, easy to carry and the birds decoy fine to them Oh thay have no problem with direct hits either,,,,,Didn't even knock him off his stake!!!! More to come,,,,,,,,,
Settle down boy's ,,, I mean a direct hit from a fallin bandit. I did have a sentry shot last year when I took a rookie out for his first crow hunt....