I starting getting all my gear ready this past week for a weekend of crow busting. Got my new blind built, got my new Fox Pro caller all opened up and packed away for travel. Picked up some flat black paint to touch up my decoys and loaded all my other gear and guns in the truck.
Then I started looking for my decoys. I hadn't used them in a few years but I didn't remember the old military Abag they were stored in. After turning the garage up side down, looking thru the entire house, and making the wife mad, I gave up the chase and went to BPS to buy new ones.
As expected, they were out. Now I am really mad.
So, I slept late. Well, after a good nights sleep (yeah right), I awoke and remembered my brother borrowed them a couple years ago. LOL, boy eating that crow to the wife was ugly.
He returned them that morning but I was still short all my full body ones. Guess he lost them or something.
So, long story short, where can I buy a dozen of the full body decoys to hang in the trees? Didn't see any of crowbusters.
I hunt therefore I am!
If you are not stepping forward, you are stepping backwards. Time stands still no for No Man.
I have (6) Carri-lites,(6) Green heads,from Cabelas.(6) Flambeus I bought at Dicks for $6.00 for all of them!! And I have (3) Sportsplast I got from Knudsons.
Four in Bengazi died, Obama and Hillary lied,We must never forget!!!!!!!!!!
Ok thanks, ill buy one of the flaper decoys. I've always just called a few in shot them and moved on. My best for a hunt is like 20 birds but after seeing all of you guys pics I'm way behind.