I have a Gibson Fat Boy, and the reed is always sticking on it...anyone have any tips to keep the reed from sticking.........I know some people use Rain-X, but I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas or anything.....
Buckshot....dry out your mouth (spit) before blowing your call. Also, put olive oil, used for cooking, on both sides of the reed, and on both interior sides of the mouth piece. The olive oil is obviously harmless to you. If you get too much oil on the pieces, the reed may stick. Just a very thin coat of oil wil do!
Don't use 10-30, 10-40 motor oil, or 90 weight gear lube. Just kidding you bud!
I have heard guys say that a very very light coat of chapstick on the reed edges were it touches the wood/plastic will sometimes help. Never tried it myself.
Buckshot1812: If this call is several years old... or older, Gibson has developed new mouth pieces and reed design in the past 18 months... to help prevent or eliminate sticking. I suggest you contact him...ask for a new set of both. I am sure he will gladly do this for you.
Buckshot1812: I sent you a PM.. with Darrell's info. Posting personal contact info is sometimes not advised. Please let me know if you got the info. Thanks.