Went out this morning to a spot we hunted July 15th, shot two that day. Started off slow no crows were talking but heard a few about twenty minutes after legal shooting time. There is a crow roost about 150 yards from our blind and thats where we shot the last two from. gave a couple "come here" calls and a crow came flying out of the trees cawing really aggressively at the other crows and none of them came. Had 2 singles come in and busted them both. Then we had a real nice group of about 10-15 come in, my old man shot one and moved on to the next but that crow never went down, then we both pounded the same crow out of the hole bunch. We were looking for a crow in some high brush for some time before getting ready to pack up, I gave a couple calls and no response. Just as were getting ready to leave and standing in the open with no cover a crow comes over the tree tops. Sky busted him at about 40 yards away.
over all 4 crows brings the total to 18 so far.
A man can be beaten in two ways... he gives up or he dies.