Hey guys its been a month of sundays since I have been on here. My computer has been down. Anyways My buddy Knobby took a job in Iowa a few months ago and his company flys him home every 3 weeks. The week of november 10th I get to fly into sue city iowa for free with his ticket. I plan on killing as many ducks as the law will alow. Also want to mark pheasant off my bucket list. But he said that he hasnt seen 1 crow since he has been there. I live in east tn. and I see crows year round but not alot of big numbers. Can I expect to see large numbers of crow by november in iowa? I turn 40 on sept 23 and have always wanted to take a hunting trip. Nebraska is like 30 miniuts from his appartment also. Im so excited I cant hardly sleep at night and its almost 2 months away. I would love to hammer a few gangsters (crows) while im there. Just dreed dealing with airlines. Afraid they will lose my gun.
A SUPER 90 and a crow in range, life is good. A good sandwich and bag of M&Ms doesnt hurt either.
Thanks Bob. I knew I was spelling sioux wrong but couldnt remember how it was spelled, just knew it was spelled wierd. I hope that there will be plenty of ducks and upland birds but I sure hope that there will be plenty of gangsters to pop as well. I hope my shoulder is so sore when I get home that I cant pick up a coke and drink it.
A SUPER 90 and a crow in range, life is good. A good sandwich and bag of M&Ms doesnt hurt either.