I have tried some various motion decoys including the buster II. Do they work? Uuugh, I dont know. I never felt like I got fewer or more birds because of them but when I stopped using motion decoys my kill totals did not go down.
IMO, to increase success a fella should study harder on things like scouting, wind direction, blind placement, decoy placement, and wingshooting skills rather than on gadgetry. Those items HAVE increased my kill totals.
*Although, every good crow hunter does have a few tools in his toolbelt.
-- Edited by Big Honkers on Thursday 11th of October 2012 08:14:07 PM
Yep I have lots of different types, mojo types where the wings rotate, floaters that bob up and down in. The wind, rotary magnets that spin the decoys and look as if they are circling to land, and lastly flappers (crow buster II). All play their part along with static decoys. Decoying here in The UK and Europe is far harder than in the states, as we don have a closed season. Therefore the birds can be shot all year round and are very wary of decoy patterns, and rarely respond to calling
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
In our experience they are quite effective, at least the "flapping" versions. We use Edge Expedite Wounded Woodpeckers and their flapping dove decoys, sprayed with Krylon Ultra Flat Black.
Years ago we used the Mojo Crows to good effect, but over time their seemed to lose their powers of attraction. I have 4 of those and we don't use them anymore. At one point we tried two such Mojo's connected to the Vortex duck decoy spinning system and this impressive rig did not really bring in the crows beyond having a flapper or two amongst our Green Head Gear Flocked deks.
We strongly believe in our "Hot Stick" (thanks again BH!) with a GHG crow deployed up to 30 feet above us in "sentry mode" We are thinking about putting a flapper on the Hot Stick to see if that combination is effective.
Sometimes we put out a Mojo Owl or Hawk, or the spinning head FoxPro Jack-in-the-Box Owl Decoy with a flapping crow in or near the fake talons. That display can work wonders on some days.
I found the Crow Buster II don't really work in continuous flapping mode, and are better as gliders. That said I'm going to make some with long remote wires and switches. Wish I could find a 3 volt intermittent timer LOL.
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
I have found them worth theri weight ion gold. One fine day iw a sout and a 2012 summer corw came in even though one of my wings came off (i hadn't secured it correctl) with a flapper underneath the mojo hawk (supposed to be a redtail or "buteo" hawk) and even though the wing motion is more like a duck it worked wonders for me. (I didn't even have to call!) but note this too, i wa sunder a little fly way where the crows traded back and forth so they could look right down and see hell unfolding below them so they came right down to help their "buddy"!
Note; when your decoys don't "seem to work" you got to ask yourself-was some one here previously using the same set up? My "competition" uses the same old standard plastic crow decoys with all the birds standing as if at attention? One needs to use something different even though half the crows you might shoot at won't even come to town after a good burning the day before. But whatever is there will if it's not the same set up and you are camouflaged to blend in with your surroundings.
I still find the rotary /whirly / magnet the best puller, followed by floaters (shot birds are best, but plastic with wings work too). Even without deeks on the ground these always manage to pull birds in.
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
How are the laws in the UK? I worked with a guy the came to the US from England because of the gun laws.He said all he was allowed to have was a pellet gun. I hear Australia is the same, They'd have to pry my cold dead fingers off of my gun I have in hand. Here in the US we have our far share of F(@%ING liberals that want total gun control!! I carry a gun because a cop is to heavy and they might not want to engage with the assh*!$ that is illegally carrying. I was asked once why I carry a 45, My reply was they don't make a 46! I can't believe they allow hunting in England. Canada is another country that has it out for the ordinary gun owner.
Walk lightly, Carry a Big Stick & NEVER WALK AWAY!!!
Big Honkers makes a very good point, spend more time on scouting and observing the birds habits. Blind placement, decoy placement and improving your shooting skills will net you far more crows than gadgetry ever will in my opinion.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn