Be advised that I am NOT an expert, but this looks a lot like something we saw while hunting wood pigeons in England. The locals called it "pigeon pox" and they didn't make a big deal of it. Pigeon pox apparently does not ruin the meat, as we ate the inflicted pigeon, along with the rest. That said, I would not recommend eating this crow, pigeon pox or not !
I.S. thanks for that info.. Out of 182 crows (total) we picked up from that orchard, he was the only one with that problem.. I hope the coyotes and buzzards don"t have any probelms with him, cause that's where he ended up.......
I.S. I'll give you a Bob A. answer "in the country." Sorry, I just can provide any details on location.. It is a pecan orchard(s) with grass land and cows too. We shot a total of two shoots.. Very large place with 5 pecan orchards different locations and 3 "flyways"..."Lots of crows." The manager told me people stop amd ask to shoot crows there all the time and he says no....He has let people shoot there in the past and they end up doing something stupid. i.e. bring other people in, come back to hunt coyotes or deer etc... It took quite a bit of work to gain permission. The deal was to take his grandson on the 2nd shoot and we did and he had a blast... Everyone that has ever shot there used ecallers...We did not.. We will shoot it again in 2 more weeks...