Hello all....im new to the forum but have been reading yall for a while...
My dad and brother and i used to chase crows pretty regularly but havent hunted in about ten years due to work and school and just not having time...Well we are back with a vengence! My question to you is...what e-caller do you use? We used to just carry a boombox that i had recieved for christmas when we used to huint and blast js tapes at them until it bit the dust...then we got a JS caller which left alot to be desired on volume...the far off crows never even heard it...
We are currently trying to find another caller and have been looking at the Fox Pro's but dont know anything about any of them....we also want to be able to lay the smack on ol mr. yote...Lets hear your personal caller and what you like dont like about it...ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED...
I began crow calling last Feb-Mar. using a FoxPro Spitfire with their standard load of 24 sounds of which "Crow Fight" was the only crow call. I upgraded last summer, purchasing more FoxPro crow calls plus the ten sound Bob Aronsohn package, bringing me up to about 20 crow sounds plus a few other critter calls. The Spitfire has since been supplanted by their Wildfire, with more features. I like my Spitfire (Wildfire seems the same size) because it is compact and I can stick it in a pocket. Not very waterproof, but I tend not to hunt crows during crummy weather and when it does sprinkle/shower, I can place it under cover. Seems loud enough for me, as it draws in the crows as if they were on drugs and the Spitfire is their pusher.
FoxPro's tech support and warranty support has been first-class. They helped me reprogram my system with the new calls, and when I managed to break one electrical connection due to my clumsiness in replacing my microchip card, they fixed it with no cost. Similarly, when my remote unit had a problem with the display, they fixed it at no charge. Good people.
I'm also learning to supplement my e-caller with a couple of cheap Wal-Mart mouth calls, just to learn to make the sounds. Some of the less smart crows seem to respond to my poor efforts.
My $.02. Good hunting!
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
Stay away from the newer johnny stewart callers. I have a JS pm4 and it is a real piece of crap. IT eats batteries, the off button doesnt stay of and will drain your batteries while sitting and not being used. It also doesnt come on unless you press the call buttons 3 or 4 times. Its just as important to know which caller not to buy. Dont buy this one! Welcome to crow buters by the way.
A SUPER 90 and a crow in range, life is good. A good sandwich and bag of M&Ms doesnt hurt either.
I haven`t had great luck with JS either, 2 different amps have died in last 6 months. I like that you can recharge the battery in them, but quality seems to be lacking.
There`s room for all god`s creatures...right beside the mashed potatoes
Ok. Update. I got the foxpro firestorm today from a local sporting goods store. 430 alarm set to go attempt to bust mr yote in the face. Thanks for all the feedback guys
I use the Primo's Turbo Dogg. It has great volume and a nice clear sound. I also set a hot button that goes to a crow gathering at a preset lower volume when the crows approach. I find that buy lowering the volume it doesn't scare off the crows with the louder sound.
FoxPro callers are the gold standard - superior product quality and outstanding customer support - are certain to be found with them. We use their, Prairie Blaster and Snow Crow Pro 2 models. The volume produced by all of them is excellent on crows.
The Johnny Stewart sounds are our favorites - Come Here Crow, Crow & Owl Fight and Death Cry of a Crow are our top producers from their library.
Unbeknowst to them, my three sons have just decided to get me a FoxPro Fury II for Christmas! They'll be excited that their Mom has it all figured out about the Old Man and I'm a grinning!