Ban the sale, transfer, importation or manufacturing of about 150 named firearms, plus certain rifles, handguns and shotguns fitted for detachable magazines and having at least one military characteristic.
Strengthen the 1994 ban by moving from a two- to a one-characteristic test to determine what constitutes an assault weapon.
Ban firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons.”
Ban the importation of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Ban high-capacity ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
-- Edited by jonthepain on Friday 25th of January 2013 08:09:22 PM
Greg You hit the nailon the head with that one, If they ever come knocking on my door some one will be getting fired. At last weekend's gun show there was a sign that said "THERE'S NOTHING IN THIS HOUSE WORTH DIEING FOR!" There was also tee shirt that I like, it had the outline of Washington State and within the outline of the state it had, "THIS IS A CONCEAL CARRY STATE, THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!" I liked them but didn't buy any. If I ever have to put my concealment permit to work I don't want the legal ramification that would follow by having such phrases. They'd look at it as premeditated. I look at it as "For ever action, there is a reaction" F#(& with me and I'll F#(& you back, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Just the way I see it through my point of view, I'd don't look for trouble but I refuse to put my tail between my legs and run away like a little girlly-boy.
Walk lightly, Carry a Big Stick & NEVER WALK AWAY!!!