Since I have been a dedicated member I have never ask any member on this site to watch a video or a you tube sketch. But fellas if you are a serious crow hunter and if you have any respect at all for this bird you need to watch this video!!! Be advised it is 50 minutes long. It is well worth it. It will explain a lot of unanswered questions of why you failed in the field. You wont feel like a fool for being fooled by this bird. These scientist spent over a million dollars on this study. It will captivate you for sure!!! Some of you may have seen it. I was awed, as well as humbled by this film. It explains what I have often thought to be true but did not believe, why I always have better shoots when someone else drives to the spot that I have hunted before. I'm telling you those birds know my truck. I have seen it and now after watching this video I believe it. This is amazing!!!!! Please take the time out of your busy lives and watch it. I promise you won't be sorry. The proof is there right before your eyes. Watch the entire video, don't take a bathroom break without pausing it!!! It took me forever to get it to play but I kept after it because I was told by a Dr. of animal science who is an avid hunter that this was a must watch for me. Google PBS A Murder Of Crows Watch the film, whatever you do Watch it!!!! You won't want to believe it but you don't have a choice It is the answer to why I have hunted myself out of business in the last couple of years...
It explains an awful lot of things though..........for instance I know crows can tell for sure when I have a gun in my hands or I don't.......they also recognize my truck for sure.....
"I thought a lot of it was a crock of crow poop, they say that a crow can see danger and go back to the rest of the crows and tell them about it. I would love to have one of those scientists in my blind with me someday to prove that theory wrong haha. They were also telling how if crows see a dead crow, they will come in silent, sit in a nearby tree and not make a sound, then all take off without making a sound, why is it that when i have a dead crow 100yards out in the middle of a field every crow that flies by circles the thing squawking its head off and then proceeds to come into my decoys wheres theres 2 dozen plastic decoys and 50 more dead crows mixed in only to get close enough to get shot. I dunno about that urban wildlife experts."
I started to watch it the other night, I have to finnish watching it. Birds are really inteligent and have the ability to remember things plus they were gifted with excellent eye-sight. M12 should go hunting by that roost area, One of the largest in todays times.
Walk lightly, Carry a Big Stick & NEVER WALK AWAY!!!
I finnished watching it this afternoon, Some of it was interesting. If any one didn't get to watch it on TV you can go to PBS on your computer and watch it on there After on the PBS web-site search "A Murder of Crows" Thats where I strarted to watch it, It was on PBS telivision at 1pm today. Here in the Seattle area.
Walk lightly, Carry a Big Stick & NEVER WALK AWAY!!!
My boss at work, who is an avid goose hunter, knows I'm into crow hunting and mentioned that he watched this the other day. He was surprised at how smart crows are, especially with face recognition.