I was wondering your opinion on if a good crow call is better than 2 moving decoys? The call I was thinking of is a Mincey, and the decoys are the Buster 2. Also, I have other plastic decoys, so it is not like I don't have any dekes.
Use a lot of static decoys, maybe 1-2 crow buster II's, and use a caller too. The bigger the picture the more liable you are to get crows commiting to the pattern Crows like pigeons are gregarious (flock community) birds, and hence feel safer in larger numbers
If it moves and is legal but also moral, SHOOT IT !!
You already have some decoys. If I were you, I would get the call and wait on the motion decoys. The good calling with some still decoys will bring crows into range.
Having said that, lately, I have been killing at least have of my crows with decoys out and no calling at all. BUT, I believe this is because other hunters are using the same farms as I am and they are all using electronic callers like me and these crows are listening to the same recordings. I need to go back to the old days and start using mouth calls more.