we did not kill any crows due to no birds and a few high flyers, o our 2nd set up we had a hawk swoop in and try to grab one of our dekes, it was pretty awesome site, have heard other's talk about it but it sure was neat, talons out and all and realized it wasn't real he took off and made a few circles over his plastic pray.
The TCP has had a few great horned owls come to our parties. They are fun to watch and they certainly add a realistic element to our "Owl - Crow Fight" calls.
When we were hunting on Saturday, when leaving the farm, Isaac and I were taking photos of a flock of about 200-300 ducks sitting on the ground feeding. When Isaac snapped his photo, he took the photo just as a snowy owl was swooping down over the ducks. Hopefully he'll post that photo on here.
This Snowy Owl has been hanging around this one particular farm for about 3 years. The funny thing is that these wildlife biologists from the University have been hanging around the farm trying to spot the owl and photograph it. Some of the biologists have never even seen it, none of them have captured a photo of it the last I heard.
We've seen it several times as it dives in to steal a dead crow or pigeon. And now, Isaac gets a photo of the damn thing........... Makes me chuckle.