I just recently started crowhunting and like most I was hooked! I really wanted to make it out more this year but here in Ohio deer season runs so late, you really only have a month for crows unless you tag out early. Never the less I made it out today for the last time as the season ends March 10th. The area im hunting is lacking wood lots and is mostly just thin fence rows and fields so the amount of crows flying over just isnt that high. You really just have to catch them flying by and hope they see the decoys. I was set up right before sunrise and the birds were more active than usual and were very noisy in the distant. The first bird of the morning came up behind me and I clipped some feathers but he got away. The next one was ahead of some others and I dropped him and the others turned off. I only got one more shotoff the rest of the hunt as it seemed that I educated every bird in the area. It was still a nice morning and I was just glad I made it out one more time before the season ended.
Welcome to the forum first off. Always good to have another crow hunter out there. As long as he's not stepping on my toes, lol.
Always great to get out there and drop a couple black bandits. A couple birds is not all that bad, just fun to be out in the wild. It must be real nice in Ohio. Here in MN we just had a massive snow storm then it rained, just horrible weather.
Also what kind of shotgun is that?
A man can be beaten in two ways... he gives up or he dies.
Welcome to the forum Ohio.
I suggest that next time, rip up some of that dry grass and put it in front of your blind and it will help you blend in better.
The gun in the picture is a Mossberg 500 with a 24inch ported barrel. Its really a turkey setup but until I get a semi auto it gets the gob done. Thanks for the advice with the grass. It was kind of a quick setup. If I was planning to sit for a long period of time ill head out earlier and really blend the blind in. Thanks again for the welcome.
Welcome aboard Ohiohunter96. Just reviewed your post and pics. You are hunting very open country with little cover other that hedgerows and such. I hunt under these difficult conditions in the spring up here as well. Coupled with this, no leaves on the foliage further make staying consealed is a major issue.
Just some friendly advice here to help you increase your kill. I would locate my blind a bit deeper in the hedgerow as in the third picture next to the fence line. A blind in the open sun like yours will stand out as a warning becon to all of crowdom. Further, get those deeks close in up on top of a shrub or small tree a well.
Good luck!
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne
Welcome and good report! Definitely more brushing in is required and put those decoys up in the trees, even if they are low it will make it easier for incoming crows to see friendlies.