Just pulled up youtube and on the opening page there is part of a BBC documentary by David Attenborough showing crows cracking nuts in traffic. Most interesting.
Boy's that would never work to good for em in America!!! I would bet my next pay check that there would be greasy spots in the road Well Maybe them freaks in Chicago or New York. But down here???? No Way I would be ok too!!! I hunt with my insurance agent,,, He would just order me pre made windshields................
I read a scientific article about a series of incidents where toads were exploding around a picturesque lake in Germany. Authorities originally suspected young boys of committing the atrocities with fireworks (we always get the blame for some reason), but after careful observation, it was learned that crows were catching the toads, flipping them over, and removing their livers with the skill of a trained surgeon. The defensive response of a toad is to inflate itself with air to make it appear larger, or at least harder to swallow. By trying to inflate themselves with a hole in their abdomens, they only succeeded in blowing their own guts out, and dying a slow, agonizing death. Several biologists really began to observe the crows more closely, and discovered that all the crows performing these mutilations were from the same family. Each year, the parents taught their new offspring how to pull off this trick, and their children from the preceding years were teaching their offspring how to mutilate the toads. Fortunately these crows were for some reason confined to this valley around this lake, and the researchers had not observed this behavior any where else...so far. If they can teach their offspring to do that to a toad, teaching them to crack some nuts should be a snap. I wonder if they've trained them to beware of old fat men in white Chevy trucks? Hmmm...might be time to trade vehicles.
"When you have shot one bird flying, you have shot all bird's flying. ...the sensation is the same, and the last one is as good as the first." E. Hemingway "Fathers and Sons"