Shooting some crows here now as the bandits are ganging up for fall. Several small roosts within 15 minutes of home keep my shooting skills honed. No great numbers but enough to keep my attention.
Took my son Sam and his 14 year old cousin Seth out for a quick evening shoot. Seth has never been on a hunt before, let alone fire a shotgun. He got to do both this evening. Managed to bounce some crows for the boys to keep them grinning!
I wish there was some way to offer an elective course to college freshmen to go out and shoot crows over decoys, and generate interest that way to insure a future crop of hunters. Gun safety, proper camoflage, marksmanship, sportsmanship, botany, and maybe a little biology could be imparted to these young folks, all the while helping to rid our country of these black vermin. I know firearms go against everything that educators seem to want to teach, but it could be a good local endeavor for some segments of the country.
"When you have shot one bird flying, you have shot all bird's flying. ...the sensation is the same, and the last one is as good as the first." E. Hemingway "Fathers and Sons"