Today I was bow hunting(deer) and as soon as I got outta the truck I knew I should have grabbed my shotgun instead. There was the sound of hundreds of crows. I hunt near a river and have shot a few crows in the area before. I walked down to the river and across the river was a few crows flying around, but you could hear the sounds of many in the woods across the river. This was 2-3 hours before dusk. More and more crows were coming and going, in packs of 10 to 20. I didn't get to sit till dark to see if they were roosting there. I am still quite a novice to crow hunting. I've hunted here quite a bit and never heard or saw so many. Is this a roost, or is it perhaps a migration stop? May check it out tomorrow night to see if any are still around.
First of all welcome.. It may be a roost..If possible, go to the area 30 minutes before official sunrise and see if they "gather up" and leave the area.. It has been said many times not to hunt near a roost and I agree.. If you want to shoot those crows find out where they are feeding and that's where you need to be.. There are many very successful hunters on this forum. Some hunt / shoot "flyways" and others "run and gun" with great success. You probably will get a variety of opinions and advice .. My advice is to stick with the deer..They taste better..
Today I was bow hunting(deer) and as soon as I got outta the truck I knew I should have grabbed my shotgun instead. There was the sound of hundreds of crows. I hunt near a river and have shot a few crows in the area before. I walked down to the river and across the river was a few crows flying around, but you could hear the sounds of many in the woods across the river. This was 2-3 hours before dusk.More and more crows were coming and going, in packs of 10 to 20. I didn't get to sit till dark to see if they were roosting there. I am still quite a novice to crow hunting. I've hunted here quite a bit and never heard or saw so many. Is this a roost, or is it perhaps a migration stop? May check it out tomorrow night to see if any are still around.
Welcome from Mississippi!
Sounds like you found a staging area. In the afternoon crows will gather up in an area and hang out before flying to the roost. I am not sure how far they typically do this form the roost but here it is usually just a few miles or less. Sometimes they just sit on the ground. Some in trees. Some fight and spar and establish pecking orders. These are usually great spots to rack up big numbers very quick on an afternoon hunt. Make sure it is not the roost though. If it is the roost, find where they are staging near by or a flyway into the roost and shoot them there.
Good luck and don't be a stranger. Post some of your results and finding as you go.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
Stopped back this afternoon about a mile away from yesterdays commotion, and I could not even get setup without birds coming in. I was right on a flyway. It seems these birds come in to the area by the river and then fly back before dark. I saw 50-75 or more birds today. I was unable to get any down, took a few shots at high birds. I didn't want to teach them too much. I will return and have better ambush planned. And bringing a buddy to help. I just hope theses birds stick around for a few weeks yet. Is this heavy crow activity likely to continue for a bit yet or will these birds be moving south soon?
Just thought Id follow up on this. I did return a week later and 20 degrees cooler. Only saw 1 bird. Went back in January and saw 0 birds in that area. Had about 10 birds last weekend(March) in a close proximity to that location. I can only hope for next October to have the same numbers again. I think it is a fall migration stop.