The other day after I had killed the white crow I took it to show the landowner. He said he had seen it a few times. As we talked he mentioned he wished we would come back and kill some of the squirrels. Well that was all the invitation Noah and I needed so Saturday morning we loaded up and headed back down to their place to try our luck. We ended the day with 13 in the bag. Six reds and 7 grays. Noah shot 3 more squirrels and I shot one coon that we did not find. The ditch bank we were hunting was very thick with bamboo so it was hard to find them at times once they hit the ground. All of this took place on a dry creek with trees on each side that was about 300 yards long and less that 50 yards wide. There is a pecan orchard on each side of the ditch. The squirrels were using the ditch as a highway and nesting area into the orchards. We had a great time. Noah is getting good at stalking.
This is the best I could do for a pic as I forgot to take one of them on Sat.
"If money can fix it, it ain't broke" The great theologian and my crow hunting partner AW.
Me likey! A little black pepper and some mashed taters and corbread and I would eat my phone as I look at those golden brown morsels! Hey 8 go over to 24hourcampfire and then scroll down to small game, there is a recipe for a soup that sounds great and everybody is raving about it. I'm gonna try if I can make myself stop shooting pigeons long enuff to go whack a few limb chickens.
A SUPER 90 and a crow in range, life is good. A good sandwich and bag of M&Ms doesnt hurt either.