Went and bought a 16 foot painters Pole so I can hang decoys in the trees. I've seen where you guys put part of a hanger inside the decoys so u can use the hook from the hanger. How do you put the hanger inside the decoy? Mine don't have holes in them already. Any other method? Also my Pole doesn't have a hook at the end. What do u do for this?
I use a modified golf ball retriever, not a painter's pole, but I just fashioned a hook on the end.
The full-bodied Flambeau decoys come with a loop on the back, but if it's gone you can just drill two small holes in the back and loop some wire through it.
I use a paint pole, but it came with different attachments so we used one that looks like a square (I have no clue why anyone would need this) and drilled a big screw into it. When we want to hang the crow screw, we just hang the crow with the black wire from the head of the screw. We had to put it on a certain angle so it was level to slightly down when we had it straight up.
Try not to have your decoys dancing and bobbing and spinning with the wind either if tree mounted. i have seen decoys mounted by amateurs in a tree or high bushes and initially this might work but in the long run it sure won't. ever see crows bounce up and down like a yo yo in a tree or spin violently? neither have I! And you certainly don't want jeckle and heckle seeing that either!