I haven't seen any posts from my area so is like to start one... we have a open season year round on crows here... I've used a feeding set... got a few birds in but I think I shot the scout oops... so it was a low number day ...like 2 lol.... my next is baiting set... put some guts and dog chow out.... see what happens... any ideas???
I always shoot real low numbers here (ohio) I only get a few birds a day. But that's fine I just love the abuse from my Browning. I wouldn't worry about shooting the scout, ive been told if a crows in range you shoot it. Yesterday while hunting on public land here I found a deer carcass from 2 weeks ago gun season. I set my decoys on top and used a long pole to set a sentry crow. Had more than a usual amount come in to my set and also a few hawks,even saw a bald eagle. When I go crow hunting and its cold (under 27 ish) I always pick up roadkill on the way to use for my sets......maybe im just sick! Good Luck!
Shoot every crow that comes into range. This scout crow BS is just that... A dead scout can't report back. As far as baiting, make sure its legal in Utah.
To up your numbers, you need to find the major feeding areas or major flyways. Locating a roost should be your priority since right now you are only hunting small murders of crows.