Sunday was my second shoot of the season. Went out with my son to our semi-permanent blind before first light. We got busted by a few really early crows, and we only bagged 8, but it was still fun. Glad to have him around -- I carried the big decoy bag, and he pulled my crow sled with the rest of our gear! See picture. Set up was backs to hedgerow facing fallow field and scrub brush, with corn stubble behind us on other side of hedgerow. Several decoys in front and in corn stubble behind and several in trees in hedgerow and bushes out front.
I tried out my Spypoint Excel camera with the headband mount. 1080p HD video with 170 degree wide angle. I wear it aiming just to the left slightly being a right-handed shooter, and it worked great. Two video links here: 1 is my first shot of the day, and 2 was his first bird. Normally, he's a better shooter than I, but he missed several before he got this one. In the video, I have one coming in to my left down the hedgerow but behind me. When I turned to look over my right should, he had one right in his face that I took aim at. "If you weren't going to shoot it, I was going to."
We had two problems. 1 - Birds were flairing early -- still need better hide. Been working on that lately and it still needs improvement. 2 - We were facing the sun, but that's the direction that we knew the birds would be coming from. It's a tough call. I don't really like setting up to make the birds come in from behind over hedgerow and trees.