I would have to say no in general, but I have been amazed what crows can hear. If you have sounds on your phone and a little set of powered speakers, you can call crows. I moved up from there to a Radio Shack 2.5w amp with a horn speaker, and then got an e-caller. Most guys like the FoxPro... I have a Primos.
You almost might be better off getting a hand call or two, and try calling them in. Just don't call quick "caw-caw-caw-caw-caw-caw" -- basically, "Danger."
Good luck, and welcome to crow hunting and this Forum!
i have a remote dummy launcher with a duck call on it for training, it would be nice if i could load crow calls on it. The other side is, the "duck" sound may be close enough to a crow to work, it sure would not fool a duck.