Here in my part of Pa (north east corner), we usually see the migrators here either last week, or this week. But so far, they are a no show. Has anyone North of us seen a later migration this year?
It's been a slow year again...last year a big crowd came down but it was the last week end of the season...I never got to shoot them!
I have seen migrating crows alright but in goodly numbers! Last year they showed up within a few days of the nH season close! I think here they need to drop the useless August and September seasons and give us December! Or something! ?? August has little crow activity an dis only good if you like long range rifle crow shootin g..but I see so many crows coming down later and later at the last minute it is as if they wait until the season is over! Just them poor gents in maine and Vermont!
The federal crow season was decided by basically buearacrats anyways...based on sheer politics!
Here in southeastern NH I observed a noticeable migration since 10/24 with large groups of birds moving north to south, this is about a week later than usual. There have a been a few days where the winds were coming out of the south they didn't move. One odd thing I have noticed is I have not come across a big group of crows feeding in field which I always do somewhere. It seems like they are moving through our area and not stopping. 10ga I have also experienced more migrant groups that won't give up their altitude to investigate the caller and decoys. The birds are on a mission. I have also not had that magical day when crows are on the move constantly, sometimes it has been a slow three hours before seeing a migrating group. Timing and placement is everything, be at place and I won't get much shooting but someone 5 miles up the road is having a hot day. My days afield are the same as last year at this point but my shots and kills are about 50% off. Hopefully more birds will continue to come down over the next week or two.
Big push of birds through the area today, BIG! I got out of work and caught up with 10ga at 1PM. We killed 53 birds in 3 hours, 30 of them within 8 minutes of steady load and fire.
We got 54 on one set last week, which was our best single set count. But there still has been no sign of the Fall migration that usually flows through here. That particular group of crows had been hanging around for a couple months We had not messed with them much, and we just got a good set up on the right day. Usually prefer to find the migrators this time of year, then beat up the locals over the Winter, and catch some migrators again in Spring.
I think you guys up in Canada, and NH killed all of the migrators..........
Went out this morning and stood in the rain long enough to get 8 crows, but they were not real interested in playing in the bad weather.........which caused us to loose interest as well.
Keep your eyes open-you never know when they will drop in....the migration gets later and later...last year I thought i saw every single migrant that didn't pass by earlier -not exactly true but i could not believe the numbers! I expect that to happen AGAIN THIS YEAR AS WELL...