Our fall season is coming to an end today, got out to a new spot Wed. wasnt a huge numbers day but any day crow hunting when you pile up a few is a fine day by me.
the highlight of the morning was the 2 birds who had "Trophys" in there beaks( as MN John refers to any food items they are carrying, he gets pretty excited if he sees one flying with something in its beak) LOL, any way a first for me, I guess field mice were on the breakfast menu. ended up with 23, only a couple high ones got away to tell the others
hunted in these brush piles that the DNR piled up at this WMA
Nice report Low and Slow. Often see crows chasing food around on fresh cut hay fields here. The way they hop and jump about would indicate to me that they are catching mice, grasshoppers and such. And yes L&S, my crow season up here in Manitoba wound to a close a few weeks ago. Just some small groups hanging around towns and cities.
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne
yes MN has a lot of beautiful country, and we have some new regs concerning crows, we went from a summer July season that ended in mid Oct, to now I'm excited to say 4 seasons as follows
12/15-31st, 1/1-15th,3/1- 31st, and 9/1-10/31
and yes we have a lot of birds that hang around all winter even with the brutal winters we can have, we have a huge roost in Rochester, (just google Rochester mn crow problems) that has the city very unhappy, they are everywhere and crapping everywhere, I will do my part this winter to dispatch as many of the flying vermin as I can.
"There is never a wrong time to do the right thing"
The NH crow season has more birds appearing in certain sections than years ago almost before the seasons end after all or most other types of hunting seasons ended ...dramatically changed!
Hunter from MN, just starting to ACTUALLY put some work into this crwo hunting business. Got my foxpro, decoys, blind, and everything else just gotta wait til 12/15 now. i'll be tearing this forum apart for good tips on MN birds if you've got anything for me I'd be more than grateful!
woah woah woah I wasnt asking or looking for spots. I know better than that. Just meant I'd be lookin around for tips on how to kill northern birds thats all. plus, gotta get my post count up. and my kill count.