I rarely get to go shoot by myself. My new buddy Butch hooked me up with what was going to be a new location and I set up a hunt for Sunday morning. I stayed up and watch the Bama/LSU game until about midnight and got up at 3:00 AM to go to the pecan orchard. I get there and recognize it instantly. I shot it about 10 years ago and lost my info on the owner and location. It was nice to find it again.
This orchard was super clean and there was no cover at all. I found some privet hedge and brushed up my blind. After getting out the decoys and caller I was ready just in time. I decided that most of my missing lately was due to my poor foot work so I decided to stand and watch all the time. The brush was plenty high enough. The first 3 birds were easy floaters. The next group was about 200 fish crows a mile high. I turned off the caller and didn't shoot at them. I didn't want to educate them. They left after a few minutes and I went back to calling and shooting. Most of the birds were coming out of the east and that made it tough once the sun came up.
About 9:30 things had really gotten pretty slow so I decided to switch the caller to the young crow fighting call. The next 1.5 hours went by in a blur. I had birds coming in like mad men. Even the fish crows made a showing or two.
I started breaking down the setup at about 11:30. It took a long time to round up all the crows and gear. I finished with 142 picked up.
Sorry for not making the number. I was dang tired and didn't want to pick them dang things up again. LOL