Got out with the boys tonight for a quick hunt. Lasted about an hr or so. Ended up with 78 picked up and another 14 sailed into the field. aim was off so my total was way worse than it should of been. i like the new super snow crow pro caller.
Killer, your boys , and I assume they're your kids, look very pleased with the results. Killing almost 80 crows with young ones in tow is a remarkable feat!! Well executed operation. Hope you get to bounce a bunch more southern Ontario bandits! Keep the pics coming as well.
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne
Ya my oldest had his nerf gun and everytime I shot he did too. It was cute to watch and I like getting them out. Crows or waterfowl they are always happy hunting with me.
Very impressive number with the boys with you and would be great by yourself ! Looks to me they are hooked and you need to start stocking up on shells.
A lot of good days afield looks to be in yall's future.