About a week ago I received my first Darrell Gibson crow call. It is the Short Magnum call, and it is a beauty!
I have been practicing with it, and within 1-2 minutes I quickly realized that I have never had a crow call that was so easy to use, and sound correctly. I'm not much of a manual crow call performer, but even I sound pretty good with it! It is very well made and finished, and I keep it very handy as I walk around the house blowing it. My wife is currently preparing papers to have me committted to the insane asylum....she just don't understand !!!
Anyway, if you don't have a Gibson, you don't have a crow call, brother.
Ken: I fully agree. I have about 20 Gibsons.. some with fine wood and some that work for a living!! Mincey makes good calls too, but Gibson has been at this for many years. His products are hard to beat..
A big + 1 for the Gibson calls! They are easy to use.
To save your marriage, move your practice sessions to your vehicle while you commute! It worked for me.
Also, as I see it, a large part of mastering crow calling is confidence. Getting out in the blind and calling without being worried or tenuous about the sounds.
Have fun and shoot well!
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.