Going crow hunting for my first outing of the year. My best employee got me interested last year after a 10year hiatus. We went on a couple moderately successful outings last year. Now it's late in the season, all the birds will be cautious, but we're going to give em a try nonetheless.
We'll be using a Fox Pro I purchased last year, MARVELOUS INVENTION!! My previous endeavors were with a Johnny Stewart cassette player. Stringing wire, changing tapes, machine bulk, etc was a much more involved procedure than just touching a button to change sounds on a wireless loudspeaker! My first outing though, was years before that with a fellow with a record player caller. 45rpm records that were scratched, warped, and sounded it. To top that, he was too cheap to buy a proper battery and one of us (guess which) had to lug a car battery along. That was before batteries had a carry handle.
Anyhow, wish us luck. If the hunt has more than 2-3 birds I'll attempt a photo this evening.
By the sounds of it, you started your crow hunting with a black powder smoke pole, traded it in for a Model 12, moved up to an 1100, and will be going out today with your Beretta A400! . Good luck and keep us posted!
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
Oh well, only one dead bird and my buddy got him. Hit 5 sets two the birds worked somewhat, the other three just highfliers screaming warnings. Saw a bunch of good sites for future sets, should have no trouble getting permission for any of them.
"the other three just highfliers screaming warnings"... that, sir is THE definition of educated birds!!! The Pied Piper could not call them into range. You need to find some virgin territory inhabitants!!
Figured you were north. I think the crows are farther south when the ground froze during that last cold spell. We been getting geared up for the after duck season last month of crow season runs. Found a good roost that I'm gonna set up of of in the next couple weeks if they're still there.