So foxbang is a very useful tool on the callers that have it. Havent done a lot of crow hunting, but the recent purchase of a foxpro hellfire has increased my TBC. The foxbang was set to switch to dying crow at the report of a gun. well i updated my call with some new sounds and in turn changed my 065 call which was originally dying crow to racoon pups. Well i shot yesterday and the foxbang activated switching from crow fight to racoon pup. I was scrambling trying to get the call switched back, looked up and the crows wer dive bombing my caller while it was playing racoon pup. Didnt think this would happen, but to see i left it set that way and it continued to bring in birds following a shot. Does this make sense at all or was i just messing with crows that didnt know any better?
The day this photo was shot we had Canada geese cupped up and wanting to sit in the field with all the dead crows. It was heavy overcast to partly foggy out that day. Dick & I could have very easily killed a dozen or more, instead I just got up and waved them off. This was with the e-caller playing.
I had the same thing happen to me this past November. It was a really snowy day with a good bit of wind. I had about 75 crows on the ground and the honkers were landing in the upwind field next to me. They would all circle around and get real low over my spread of crow bodies before realizing what was going on. I was hunting solo and could have killed a good number of limits.
Those honkers loose their mind a bit when it snows.
When a goose hunter wanted top set up next to my crow decoys I always said:"SURE!" They were excellent confidence decoys! Some of my best shoots for what that is worth were having a goose hunter next to me...he shot the geese (none came unfortunately) and i shot a lot of crows. Let's say not a single crow passed up the set was a good crow day for me but rather pathetic for someone -say-in Michigan or say Kansas...but for me..a great day given my area at the time.(years ago as in the mid to late 80s!)