Years ago around 1998 I spent a few hours in Idaho. Turns out a smallish roost was close by so i got to watch some upset crows fighting some medium sized falcon I took to be a "pigeon hawk" but it could have been some other whatever pigeon sized falcon in the north west? In Any case these crows seemed smaller anyways and slightly higher pitched calls but other wise simliar to the common crow. And I know what fish crows sound like- we even have a small flock I am told in Manchester somewhere?
The calls were only higher pitched but not terribly was a fall so it clearly wasn't young common crows...some bird writer listed 4 species of crow...the "Common" crow, the "biggest" and then the smaller ones like the "fish" crow and the Pacific northwest crow and I think the 'Hawiaan" crow...anyone with any thoughts on this?
On another note imagine there's an "Alaskan Crow" of which the bag limit is only 5??! And the crow is a "protected species' in Hawaii?
You are very observant about the Northwestern Crow. Biological name is Corvus Caurinus. It is usually found along the Olympic Peninsula, and from Northern California to southwestern Alaska coast, and also into the U.S. and Canada mainland, for a few miles.
It is smaller than the American Crow, Corvus Brachyrhynchos, and as you stated, has a higher pitched caw. The ones that live in California have the highest pitched voice, and walk around with limp wrist...dang it, I mean wings!
Thank you gentlemen. Speaking of California they have quite a few crows there and i mean quite a FEW so it's unfortunate that the bag is only -what now(?) 25? That is ridiculous!
I was not hunting at the time, with all due to respects the Pacific Northwest is not where I would want to be found...but i shall never forget that day or the time i saw all those Californian crows headed to their roost...I won't say exactly where as it upsets people and I am not here to do that..I want to learn about others' experiences as much as i can. I love to read them or watch them. Speaking of if you want a real good time order one of Bob A.s' me i laughed and laughed. Bob is quite the comedian!On another note you'll see how far out there he gets to set up. This is incredible as i couldn't lug a tenth of that ammunition out there! Then you got to have food as i think the closest restaurant a few miles away but bob can tell us better how he does it specifically ...that too is comical as you can see him somewhere sitting on the end of his tailgate or shooting seat eating something with some 300 hundred crows laying about...?