Hey guys , I seen something on the news about gun reform in the USA and I wonder what you think about handing back your firearms ? They did all that here is Australia and made a .22 cal semi auto illegal and was swapped for a bolt action. You guys going down the same road as this ?
We've got the 2nd Admendment here that is being attacked by a bunch of Idiots who think criminals and crazy people will obey some law they write. That being said "War" will break out here if they try to take our guns. Our current President is the best thing that has happened for Gun sales. Our Fore Fathers motto still rings true today "Don't Tread on Me".
The 2nd amendment was not a "slogan".....it is lAW. What I see happened was with the economic problem sin the british Aisles and much of if not all of Europe had immigrants flooding to america . Naturally they many could not read or write American if at all....the corrupt government here now had all this cheap help ...the young men joined the military and so forth...New York City in the mid to late 1800s had corrupt politiican staking over, notably one 'Boss" tweed...he wnate dhis party ot hav eguns and no oen else...these new people didn't know the laws-constitutional laws so they weren't about to "know"...Boss Tweed had it made now...this is a practice carried on today in New York City and other areas of the country-all illegal...basically there has been no opposition...despite 2nd amendment rulings by our uS supreme court reaffirming the 2nd amendment the areas concerned from A-Z have by and large chosen to IGNORE the law even today...
I remember "Democrat" party members saying:'Blowbama don't want your guns!'
Well he needed west virginia and western Pennsylvania -two strong gun holds- to support him...this current big daddy Blowbama...so yes he would say:"I support the 2d amendment!"
He doesn't. The government here as a whole are basically dictators. While this country was supposedly by the people; of the people; and of the people in practise it is quite the opposite!
Basically when we take these politicians and hold their feet to the fire or viote them out like 1994; do they get the message....
This Kenyan born Indonesian raised muslim president ha snot sense of the constitution-they only stuck him in there(our electoral process is by and large corrupt) because Africa would respond better to a Black leader what with all the gold and diamonds in Africa and all that..you can see why. But will Blowbama take our guns? If he can no matter what the law is...he is after all the big Daddy of America! Parliamentory protocal can take a hike!
Government never gave us our fire arms btw...it was a result of a huge war to become free called the revolution....with the help of France by the way something never mentioned...
Well we have had two different 2nd amendment US Supreme court rulings reaffirming the right to keep and bear arms...an individual right but as we have seen certain elements of congress in the latter one so called "senator' Chuck Schumer who has routinely ignored any such law that did not fit his agenda...despite swearing to uphold and protect the constitution!
Same as all presidents by the way but almost always conveniently choose to ignore said laws if they didn't write them!
Any laws of the government which does not coincide with their agenda is routinely ignored! It is illegal to kill international heads of state but our government has done exactly that! One way or another their handwriting is all over it be it Saddam Hussein or Mommar Khaddaffy!! what ever happened to Manuel Noriega i have no idea....Hugo Chavez for another...just a handful there so does anyone think a gun law is going to stop them? They are "above' the law!
Thanks Butch , Motiondecoy and qmochty I read your posts. " Any laws of the government which does not coincide with their agenda is routinely ignored! " What they do around here is change the law when they feel like it and used a shooting in Port Arther to get the guns.
The Government announced a " Gun Buy Back " and gun owners who had various types of guns had to surrender them and receive a $100 or so for them.
Semi auto's , high power rifles and pump action shot guns were banned etc. Gun owners had 3 months to hand them in or the police would come and fine them and take the guns anyway.
The police around here like having all the guns , tasers and pepper sprays etc.
If someone breaks into your home here and I hit them over the head with a bat I get charged for assault .
Pretty cool that right to bear arms you guys have and we should have that here too.
All I hear about illegal immigrants is....well we can't round them all up! It's not feasible, break up families and so on.
It's not feasible to round up 300 million guns! Oh if the libs think they can they'll try.
Most people I know will FIGHT before giving up their 2nd amendment.
I think Donald Trump could be onto something when he said that some bullets should be heading back the other way from the latest IS attacks in the US. More guns and they would of been stopped at the entrance I think. I went to the Philippines recently and at the hotel we had 2 guards carrying a pump action shot guns. The local shopping center had a guard in every shop and our taxi was searched upon arrival by armed guards.
-- Edited by Bad Boy on Friday 22nd of January 2016 08:33:33 PM