Check out the video below, you may have to turn the sound up a bit. I took the video this afternoon.
This was taken right across the street from where I work. I pulled into this parking lot to make a call and do a few moments of paperwork only to find a black bandit doing its thing. Nature is a cruel beast. I thought I should share.
10 minutes after the crow flew off with the bunny, he was back looking around for more easy meals.
Ive actually seen this type of thing a couple times with mice, but never a rabbit.
Wasn't able to view but saw one where the Crow was killin a bunny, Dang them "Bastages" are the coyotes of the sky. I don't mind stomping the heads of the winged ones as much anymore!
I was told my video link was not working properly. I switched something around, does it work now boyz?
Yep. Good video. This is why we shoot these bandits. Now, if you can just get another of one of our Cuddly Feathered Friends robbing a robin nest, tearing the little flightless fledglings apart alive, they you's have some real ammo to use against the antis/tree-huggers. But, they'd say you staged it...
Good work, Mr. Video !!!
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698