we've determined that i have overcalled my property, but in the mean time i can make some more blinds ! did this one today, under a cedar & has some super tall cottonwood 's near that the sentry usually comes in to. sun to my back ! just waiting...
It appears to be a permanent blind. If so, be aware that if you hunt a site more than once in a season crows tend to remember locations of the “killing fields” so you may want to work towards a portable blind system & different locations. This assumes you are using the duck hunting method vs. running & gunning.
There are several older threads on this forum dedicated to blinds. A quick search will turn up several.
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
Yes Demi, mine are usually fairly simple & permanent since they are on my own land, They also double as deer blinds & spots for coyote calling. I'll certainly never set any big count records here like you have but just to get out there & get up to 5 or 6 makes me feel good. That particular spot wont even require any calling or decoys since they tend to land on those tall cottonwoods which are the highest trees in that area. More of an early morning sit & wait ambush ! Of course you have to be there at the right time, but it beats sitting on the couch ! & from what i've read on the CB threads i dont think i'll hurt anyone's feelings by blasting them off a branch above me ! THANKS.