One of our best shoots ever! We have had higher TBC's a dozen or so times over the years but given the incredible weather ( NO wind, temps in the low 40's, overcast sky ) plus perfect hides and a huge field of peanuts full of feeding crows! Couple all of this to the stunning performance of the "crow magnet".. the FF5 from "flightline decoys" pulling birds straight at the flapping crow from 500 yards away over an open field equals my idea of one fine morning outing! I cannot exaggerate how direct the birds approached--directly at the decoy you see in the picture that IS a real ( but not live) crow. It was somewhat like shooting a flyway. Gun was Browning Maxus with LM choke and Rio ammo with 1 1/8 oz at 1250 fps. Might be hard to see in the picture, but I place the FoxPro right beside the flapper so the sounds seem to be coming directly from the decoy. I think it helps deceive brer crow!
The actual TBC was 205 as while we were making our "number" 3 singles flew over to examine our "work" and upped the total to 205! We started at 0730 and were done at 12:45! Super...just plain super shooting! That is my long time crow buddy David Sanders returning thanks to those fallen on the field of honor!
Yes my math is a little weak but if I was going to muster up a "ploy" it would not involve a mere 3 crows!! The marvel was that with my truck 20 feet from the birds and David and I walking around making numbers, 3 intelligent birds came into shotgun range to check us out! Who need cammo!!
Great job as always. You keep telling me about these cocaine (oops, I mean peanut) fields that attract crows like mad. Might have to venture south one of these years. Too cold to grow them up in PA.
Hammer am not sure how far north peanuts are planted. I know there are lots in southern Virginia. Your use of the "drug" is entirely accurate. Pecans have the same effect! We are fortunate to have lots of both in NC but are unable to hunt pecan fields until Jan 1 after deer season goes out. Most all of that land is leased to deer clubs. Trust you and family are well.
Oh yeah, all is well up here in PA. Deer season (flintlock) is finally over. Now back to the crows. May try a few coyote/bobcat stands...but it's like hunting a unicorn..haha. That why I go to KS for predators....should consider a crow trip out that way too. Like I've told you before (email), maybe when I have more time (retirement), I can explore some crow ventures. It's amazing how much research I can do right from my computer.
You going on any prairie dog ventures this summer? Maybe that new area that we talked about???