Started last year on the 16th of Sept. an had a good shoot (80 plus) If memory serves me without checking. Struggled all year to find good numbers of birds after that. Thought I would be able to put some legwork in, an open up more properties to hunt but priorities took up my time this off season. Hoping my spots will be better this fall and maybe pick up a few new ones. That said "Here's hoping everyone has a great season" Stay safe, hunt smart and have fun! Almost forgot share those hunts and pics!
Killer, It was a 2 man shoot on prime target rich property, which in prior years has produced better kill totals. All my areas last year were down, hoping they reload and produce this year but from what I've observed this summer in my travels it not looking great. But you never know till the time to hunt them. Plus I have my eye on a few new spots that I may get permission on. Going to be a tightrope walk this year as we are in the process of possibly moving after 40 yrs, may be to busy to hunt a lot. Either way that's what great about a new season you make the best of what you have. Hope you find good shooting and look forward to your reports. Butch
Lefty, Just downsizing, had the empty nest for over 15 yrs. Found a nice 20 acre plot that we both really like. Plus I can shoot every crow that comes by there (lol) And it cuts off about 25 min. Drive time to 75% of my spots. Win Win for me. Have lived in a great area for all these years and it still is but have always wanted some land to be able to do what I want to and not have restrictions or covenants. But downside it's raw land and I will have to build which as you know will take up most of my time. Butch
Butch, glad to hear that you've found your piece of heaven here on earth.
The Hoodoo Lady will finally retire, in about 6 months, and we'll be moving also. Valhalla needs work, and our trouble is trying to find anybody willing to bring the place back to it's glory days. (With some upgrades)
Glad you found a builder!
Old Ironworkers never die, they just rust away - Bob Harrington
Killer, It was a 2 man shoot on prime target rich property, which in prior years has produced better kill totals. All my areas last year were down, hoping they reload and produce this year but from what I've observed this summer in my travels it not looking great. But you never know till the time to hunt them. Plus I have my eye on a few new spots that I may get permission on. Going to be a tightrope walk this year as we are in the process of possibly moving after 40 yrs, may be to busy to hunt a lot. Either way that's what great about a new season you make the best of what you have. Hope you find good shooting and look forward to your reports. Butch
I hope I even go this year! I don't know if my back will be ready enough to get afield-I cannot drive to the blind it takes a pickumup truck at least...then I could slide out as vehicles are commonly seen there at this one location and crows don't recognize the danger there immediately so if I go I'll have something but if you want good crow reports; watch NH Crowshooter and Ten Gauge. Most of their areas are basically undamaged whereas mine are quite simply put-gone for one reason or another...I feel the new techniques where unlike days long ago there isn't a terrible amount of corn laying around where as the seventies you were stepping on cornstalks and cobs the crows left and never came back to their former can get but a few but in the good old days (for me) a good shooter(Which I wasn't) could go home with a hundred anyways downed...only small flocks come through now and soon as their bellies are full leave and aren't there tomorrow! (Until spring flying high over head)