Please be certain to notify us when you provide your feedback to the Professor and his posting of them on the website. I want to see your words on how his course helped you to whack more bandits!
I'm sure it will be a rewarding course (seriously...).
"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." -- Andrew Fletcher 1698
Completed this course today. I enjoy learning new things and the material covered comes from good research and a different perspective than the educational materials found through Crow Busters. I certainly enjoy the books we've been given by Popowski, Mermon, Karas & TOAD. Bob Aronsohn's DVD's and calling instructions, YouTube videos and personal hints are fantastic resources. Thank you Bob!
The online course from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology Bird Academy uses a mix of text, photos, short videos, visual learning and quizzes to share quite a bit of info about the crows that call to most of us. The bite-size mixed media approach worked well for me. I grew much more confident in my ability to identify crows vs ravens and other birds sometimes mistaken for crows. I quite surprised to learn new details about life spans, breeding patterns, family groups, neighborhood relations and feeding / nesting territory. Another item of great interest was urban vs rural differences in crow development. For me, the course was worth the time and money spent.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention through this Crow Busters Forum.
Next steps in my crow education include continuing to work with hand calls and spending time with a sporting clays instructor.
This looks interesting, but $60 is a little steep. Anyone else take it, have feedback?
The takeaway on the course is that, if you are a serious birdwatcher The course may be well worth the time and money. If you are looking for the best return on investment for improving your crow hunting techniques, then spend the $60 on a flat of shells at the sporting clays range or on better camouflage for your blind or a good hand call.
Good hunting,
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.