I hear from him regularly through some good emails he sends out. He is also coming down for a visit in 3 weeks. He’s fine...just too busy at the moment to check in, I’m guessing. The sporting clays season has cranked up, so that’s another distraction.
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
Bob...I just saw this link... thanks for your concern. I am still hanging in there despite a very poor crow season.. worst in 55 years.. just no birds! I think you have my email address.. don't be a stranger!!
Bob...I just saw this link... thanks for your concern. I am still hanging in there despite a very poor crow season.. worst in 55 years.. just no birds! I think you have my email address.. don't be a stranger!!
Hi Skip, worst season in 55 years, that says a lot! 10ga and I experienced a very slow fall '19 and Winter/Spring '20 season. There was essentially no real days this year with birds migrating north, I don't think I saw more than five together at any time. There were days in Feb and early March as well as last September and mid way through Oct you could run a caller for hours and only a handful and sometimes none. Given we are 1000 miles apart as the crow flies this tells me something may happened to the crows on east coast, disease, spring hatch wiped out by weather. I hope to see a rebound in their numbers, this was essentially a collapse in the number of birds where we are as '18 was one my best years ever.
Pete: Good to hear from you but also sadden somewhat to hear your season was about like mine!! With that in mind let me relate a story I heard today from a farmer who lives near me on whose farm I can shoot crows! He was in his backyard yesterday.. he saw a crow sitting in dead oak tree seemingly just looking at him. Suddenly the bird fell out of the tree stone dead. Our crow season has been closed since March 1st. Sure someone could have shot and wounded this bird but I had to think perhaps this is part of the reason we had so few birds... some disease or virus killing them! I have no clue!
Over the years from time to time I have been hearing about thousands of starlings and other blackbirds found dead with no wounds of any type.Predictably blamed on poisoning but this was not the case at all although when it was legal I am sure it took place. Poison was used on crows here by one local farmer although I never saw any dead birds-only the package called "crow chex"!
At this time while you could shoot nuisance birds you couldn't use calls or decoys so I understood the law and the farmer needed help and I wasn't about to break the law as in case you haven't figured it out the game wardens -while gentlemen can be quite harsh with fines even though crows are a low priority around here in example try to shooting deer out of season or any other game law of high priority species and they'll just about castrate you! Given that peanuts are practically gold otherwise given the American taste for peanut butter in example.....or whatever else you as a farmer want them out period any way you can do it!
Well they are likely not behind this new top secret technology some one is and we might as well realize that we are behind the times in this new technology known only to the top secret government nobody wants to even admit exists! In example Iran recently knocked out one of our drones with technology you don't want a nation like Iran possessing given their passion for lobbing off the heads of infidels...which is why American wants to bomb Tehran into nothingness...well our government behind the scenes has the technology to stop the hearts of birds and they have used it on people they don't like too usually internationally which is why while I support it -a civilian militia the reality is they can wipe us all out anytime they see fit so all your cool semi-automatic guns won't do you any good but I support your right to aquire as many as you see fit....
Anyways you people with big densities of crow populations and your farmers grow peanuts which is otherwise big money and you cannot afford losses so if you are a member of this secret government with a peanut farm you want to secure your financial stability so the crow must go.....this accounts for other nuisance species as well aforementioned why it rained blackbirds across the Midwest....no reason why they wouldn't use it on crows....now I doubt very much that is the case in New England but we got enough crows for them to
want to but they are winter numbers in parts of New England who roost where their calling cards are not a significant health hazard at this time but might be given that some roost over rivers ….
Those crows in the photograph of an alledgedly "dynamited" roost was not blown up-that top secret weaponry was used. Look closely at that photo; not a singled ruffled feather!? In fact those crows looked like they dropped straight down out of their roost trees! I have seen photographs like this before! And so have you oh by the way. Look like dynomite to you? You've all seen what a shotgun does to a crow;feathers everywhere and blood. Granted; not every crow you shoot looks blown all apart but what about the ones that do? Imagine what dynomite must do?
On this websites' front page and others. True enough I've seen the "Warning dynomite" signs but I don't believe it …..I do not believe they are using dynomite…..not when the fallen birds look like that! Of course I do not believe much the government says anyways given what I have seen and heard all these years. I just don't have any reason to believe them including this "corona" virus amongst other nonsense. Remember they have the communications and not at all bashful about using staged scenes of any nature. However this is about the crow. I find it hard to believe that they used dynomite to kill those birds. Especially given the shape they are in when that photo was taken.
They might have done exactly that in the forties-used dynamite but it wasn't dynomite.. the birds in that photo could have been poisoned given the shape their bodies were in but it could not have been explosives! If you were there then that is another story but how in the world did they retain their "whole" condition? Look as if they fell asleep?! I am of course assuming they didn't use any kind of explosive shot but even so there'd be feathers everywhere?! Parts blown off?
Those crows in the photograph of an alledgedly "dynamited" roost was not blown up-that top secret weaponry was used. Look closely at that photo; not a singled ruffled feather!? In fact those crows looked like they dropped straight down out of their roost trees! I have seen photographs like this before! And so have you oh by the way. Look like dynomite to you? You've all seen what a shotgun does to a crow;feathers everywhere and blood. Granted; not every crow you shoot looks blown all apart but what about the ones that do? Imagine what dynomite must do?
Just watching that video gave me Traumatic Brain Injury due to the memories of being stuck in class while suffering from ADDHD!! UGGH, please don’t do that to me again!
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
Fascinating......I liked knowing I am wrong at least this time because one cannot learn anything without being wrong from time to time. But all the same so what happened to all those starlings and other types of black birds in Arkansas where they were found everywhere? Some crows bought the farm too with no scratches too...!!
I don't like the idea of dynamiting crow roosts all the same even though I won't likely be going in those states anytime soon.....I do feel for the crowbuster fraternity irrespective of little useless disagreements over what is best as everyone has techniques that work well for them. No matter the numbers of crows we might get as every one misses or whatever reasons we don't get any or that many.
Right now I believe there has been a shift in migration patterns so we do not see what we expected to see....the old in the right place in the right time idea....they will fly generally on cue but we got to be there! They will not wait for whatever is convenient for you. I know some one who said :"Hey I was going to go there this Tuesday!" What ever only some one else beat them to the punch or the crows had moved on for what ever reasons. My reply was:"You do it when they are available-not when it's "convenient" for you!" But it's the same story every year. We collectively cannot drop what we are doing and go after the crow
Sorry to torture you brain Demi. However, it could have been worse. A couple other videos on this subject began to present mathematical equations in support of their findings. About a minute of that business was too much for me.
All I needed was the basics. An explosive blast force travels greater than the speed of sound, shears internal organs and may cause traumatic brain injury. Dismemberment is not required to cause mortality.
Without missing a beat, the good professor stated that a blast force traveling at the speed of sound is difficult to avoid. That might have been a bit of an understatement.
Yeah, blast force speed and power are real. I learned that first-hand when I attended the Indy 500 a few years back! The force almost blew me two seats back!!
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
To get the best fragmentation when bombing a crow roost they used gravel or chat in buckets with a half stick of dynamite and a blasting cap. Grade school kids would club cripples to death for days after a big roost bombing here in Kansas during the 1930's to the very early 1950's.