New member here, and hello to all you crow hunters. I picked up this crow hunting sport late in life, and am starting my 5th season of active pursuit. Took me this long to get off my butt and register for this site instead of just lurking. I’ve shot a few crows since I was old enough to shoot by myself. A young fellow with a .22 and a crow perched on a fence post, sure. But I never set out to intentionally hunt them until much later in life. I’ve been hunting other game and water fowling for many decades now and I’ve made a few decoys as a hobby. One day I noticed all the crows traveling across a farm I lease for goose hunting. Just something about the number of crows and the noise they were making. I started reading everything I could about crows and hunting crows including the wonderful posts and tips on this crow busting site and forum. Before I knew it I’m making crow decoys and soliciting permission to crow hunt other properties. Something about that dying moan as a crow helicopters down and hits the ground with a thud. Or when a loud crow squawk from behind catches me by surprise. We can hunt crows in my area from mid-August until mid-March. For me this has become a great season extender after our duck and goose season ends. I prefer to getting after them in February and March. I think crow hunting is way better than shooting clay birds, not that clay bird shooting isn’t fun. I never really paid much attention to crows before I started hunting them. Now I hear them in my sleep. Anyway, thanks for the hospitality and I hope I can continue learning from you all so I can become a better crow hunter.
Welcome, and glad you registered here. Your story of how you got hooked got me thinking about my initiation to the sport. However it happens, for most people the hook is set deep!!
When hunting with a newbie, I always explain that their DNA will forever be altered in that when the hear a crow, no matter where they are or how far away it is, they will instantly focus and lock in to that sound!
Hope you get a lot from this forum. It has helped my hunting and brought in several new friends.
The man who thinks he can, and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
Those that post messages here regularly are a small group of mostly seasoned crow hunters as I'm sure you've noticed. In the big picture, I'm fairly new to this site as well and am always trying to glean knowledge from them. That and the hunt reports and pictures are what I enjoy about this site.
So now that you've broken the ice and joined up, share a hunt and a photo or two. It doesn't matter how successful the hunt was, I for one want to hear about it. Keep after 'em.