Among all the new bells and whistles(motion decoys,flocked decoys,new easy Peasy folding blinds,better ammo,better camo,etc. This old VHS “ Duck Hunting Style” tape By Mr.Jerry Tomlinson has helped me more and set me on the right path to crow hunting to the next level.I too was a road runner. The old run and gun in the early years.Arkansas removed the depradation clause so we couldn’t hunt during July and August when the young ones were dumber than a box of rocks.Just got thru watching this tape and had to share. While I don’t agree about eating these crows,I will agree the Old Faulks C50 is a great call. Merry Christmas to all!
Please excuse my error in naming Mr. Tomlin as Mr.Tomlinson who I think is a top crow hunter is his own right.My auto speller helped me in this mistake.Im going to proofread all posts before hitting “submit.
Any chance you would be willing to have that VHS converted to a DVD? I think it can be done very inexpensively by folks with the equipment to do it. I would be very interested in purchasing a copy. Also, it would help insure that the info from and legacy of Mr. Jerry lives on. Others may also be interested. Thanks!
I entered a crow shooting contest in Tennessee with him and we both won a pair of Remington model 870's back in the 1980's. They were the cheaper version (the express model) of 870. I sold mine to my barber for a hundred bucks when I got back to Kansas.