Today I had a brain fart and this is what I came up with. Get a hold of a plot book for the areas you hunt and some highlighters when you talk to a land owner and he gives you permission have him highlight what land is his in the plot book they all ready have the land divided up in them books. You can use a different color highlighter for crow, fox , coon, deer ect. That way you know what land is the land owners. There are no fields drawn on there but you can sketch em in and also good places to set up. Then when you decide to go run and gun you don't have to think hum where should I go. This stuff can fit under your truck seat.
Let me know what you think bout this or any modifications so I can make my idea better.
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
Great idea, JD !!! Include some google earth pictures also to enhance the tree lines, woods, swamps and topo,the stuff not shown on the normal plot plans.
Four in Bengazi died, Obama and Hillary lied,We must never forget!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah if you want to you could but the plot books cover whole countys in the size of a note book. The google maps would be good if you wanted to hunt with some one else or payed attn to the wind and where the crows come from.
I hunt a lot of small farm land and 75% of the time run and gun so if I mark my stand I can get more in in a morning than back tracking or duh I forgot bout that stand. It's just a thought. You may be able to pick up a plot book when they reedo them. Get a old one it may be free and a little out of date but the land is still there.
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
I use google earth quite a bit for pre-scouting potential hunting areas. Further to this, a wise man and regular member to this site passes around buisness cards to land owners with respect to crow and pest removal.
-- Edited by M12Shooter on Saturday 31st of July 2010 03:02:52 PM
Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid. John Wayne
I certainly use a "card".. with my name. email address, phone # etc.. that I give to land owners who let me hunt..and especially to those where I find lots of birds. I ask the landowner to call me... if and when his crows return ( seasonal, eat his crops, etc ) and I do get calls...and let me tell you...those calls make my day!! So spend a few bucks for a customized "crow card" will pay dividends for sure.