Well to start the day off half way to the field I realized I left the fox pro caller on the charger in the gun room. Turn around 5 miles back home get caller. Get to the field still early enough crows haven't started moving yet. Walk 400-500 yrd to back of field. Grass is almost as tall as decoys. Ughhh. Find a little shorter grass set some decoys up. Got my new stick with me and daylight is creeping up on me. Get decoy up 40 ft start hearing crowd ahhhhhhh. Try and hang one relize I need a bigger hook to hook on to limb. Decoy about takes me out when I missed the limb. Retract stick toss it in the weeds to hide it gather up decoy bag hang caller on a limb grab gun and jump into my hiding spot. Wheeee made it.
right at the base of that tree is a crab apple that hides me well. Relize I left my hand calls in the truck. WTF
this is looking out of my hidey hole
closeup of hole
what you can see of my spread. Continued-
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
main flight went different than I thought I was trying to intercept them going to a oat field that was right smack dab between 2 houses not more than 200 yds from one ore the other so it was un huntable. Ended up shooting bout 65% got 8 on this stand in a hour and a half. Good seeings how i shot this spot for our crow shoot 2 weeks earlyer
there are only 6 in the pic cause the others went down in some mulaflora rose bushes but I heard them hit after that stand I got another one run and gunning then I moved back tword my house. Got three on that set should have got more but when I had 10 or so circiling above i tryed taking some photos but it's hard to call shoot and be camera man here is the pic
and I didn't even get a crow in the pic last time I try that.
this is my second set from my corn hide
so total for the morning 12. And home by 11:00 for the day of the shots I took I was hitting 50-60% improved cylinder choke and #8 shot hand loads for skeet they worked good.
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
Loved the storytelling and pic show. Sounds like some of my hunts....once went to a spot to hunt, drove 15 miles, and was getting ready to walk in a mile when I realized that my ammo was on the back step of the house.....ah, man!
Yeah all in all it was a dandy morning in nw pa 12 solo is a fine day for me around here there are a bunch of crows just in really small groups biggest I had come in today was 4 and they left 2 behind
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
Nope the ones I use are not flocked I like to set em up so the majority of the crows have to fly over the hedge row and make a split sec choice then they can't say hey your a shinny little bugger they come in slow and low way low 25 ft??
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether