I have much to report on my other excusions but as of this Saturday the WMA I hunt is now open to bowhunters[deer].
I have an idea for some better places to set up in but I do not want to be the guy that messes up another man's hunt for some venison. My guess is that I should put on some scent blocker and put up a little blaze orange nearby, but prudence seems to say stay far away.
Avoid cars and trucks if you see them in a parking lot bypass that spot No vehicles fair game but you would be suprised you prolly won't interfere as much as you think
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether
Ours opened up to on Saturday to and we hunted on the back side of public gamelands. I figured that someone would try to bow hunt that area, they did. I just hope that they got a shot at one. When we finally got to our stand location, we jumped about 20 and ran them into the hardwoods. The funny was some one had reported guys with guns going onto public gamelands early that morning. When we came out the game warden was waiting on us. Mike just laughed and said" It figures that it's y'all. Who else would have been out shooting up the country side on opening day of bow season. "
It,s very considerate of you to think of others, but you've got the same rights to be here as others. I say this being an old bowhunter myself. I try to hit public ground on the weekdays, like this morning. But where I'm going today hasn't got a tree big enough for a stand.
And on the 8th day John Browning created the "sweet sixteen".
You bring up a good point about "you have as much right to be out there as the deer hunters" so with that being said sometimes being legal isn't always the right thing to do. If it's a good area I either wait until after deer season or I hunt it during the week since most deer hunters just have weekends to hunt.
Bob A.
To listen to this radio talk show go to episode 12, Bob Aronsohn