crows around here wont let you get within 50 yards of them .I went 3 days ago with my h&r 10 ga 2 1/4 oz of #6 and i seen one rossted abot 70 yards out . i think i could have tooken him but its not season yet i was looking for rabbits. I always wanted to hunt for crow i hear them all the time about 7-10 am .any advice how to get closer ?. they usally stay around the edge of fields
Read the posted link and read the threads on this forum welcome to some of the greatest conversation place about crows you will find people here who hunt them in the north the south east and west with rifles air guns and shotguns from feeding set ups to r&g it's all here you should be able to learn lots from this forum.
If you are gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
You can't fix stupid!
O yeah I kant spel eether