I have always wanted to try a night shoot at this spot,I have crows gathering at night also in the fields to the east out of site of my spot.I set up a blind on sunday and gave it a shot on monday after noon.I did pretty good my blind faced east as the morning shoot blind is on the other side of this tree island.However this spot is on a long sloping hill when the crows come from the east to my calls,the ground falls away putting them a tad high,I still downed 20 with hand calls.The morning shoot side facing west the hill is sloping down and as the crows come from the west in the morning,the crows seem to focus on the dekes and end up dangerously low (for them) to the ground. I am going to just shoot this place in the morning from now on. Check out my blind and set up.
Four in Bengazi died, Obama and Hillary lied,We must never forget!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet setup like the blind and location. Been using blinds ourselves and learning they are a must on any field edge. We also want to try more afternoon shoots, did it a couple times with some success. The birds that came in were really screaming in close. Lot of fun when they dive bomb setup
whatever i'm doing i'm thinking about crow hunting
Blinds are a must the later in the year you get...but in July, Aug, Sep...you can get away without them. If you have a bunch of goldenrod (or something like that) on a field edge...it works GREAT. Just stay away from overhanging branches. Those wreak havoc on TBC!