Hey guys... been lurking around for a while but finally had something to ask about.
I took my lunch hour today to ride the roads on a new piece of ground I can hunt near the office. It had been raining most of the night and was very foggy at noon. I was on a dirt road way back in some timber when I came to a small hayfield and it was loaded with crows and they appeared to be feeding when I first came into view.
I walked out into the field to see what they were feeding on and it looked like they (or something) had made thousands of holes in the soft ground everywhere I looked. The holes were about 2" deep and tapered in at the bottom, kind of funnel shaped.
Does anyone know if that's what it looks like when they have been feeding on grubs or worms maybe? I figured the rain the night before might have made it easier for them.
It could of been they were getting worms or seeds. I know Sandhill cranes will pull the wheat kernels right back out of the ground right after the field has been sowed.